Shenandoah Preschool
Loving. Living. Learning.Helping Teach a Generation that will Change the World
Getting the Best Start
Study after study shows that the majority of children benefit socially, developmentally, and academically from a quality preschool experience.
Of course, the decision to send your child to preschool is ultimately up to you. We recommend visiting the facility that you are considering, observing the classes in action, and asking questions of both the staff and current parents. We at Shenandoah Preschool are always open to visitors.
Our School
Our Facilities & Classes
Welcome to Shenandoah Preschool! We offer half-day (8:30 am-12:00 noon) or, when sufficient enrollment allows, full-day (8:30 am-4:00 pm) programs for children aged 2-5 years. We are located in the heart of downtown Lexington, Virginia, owned and housed by Trinity United Methodist Church. We are very lucky to have 6 individual classrooms , allowing for small class size. Research shows that children in smaller classes have greater gains in receptive language, general knowledge, cooperative behavior, and verbal initiative. Greater individual attention from the teacher and smaller groups stimulate complex play and foster problem-solving skills and greater social interaction.

Readiness Pre-Kindergarten
These classes are designed for children who will be 4 years old by Sept. 30 and 5 years old who will attend Kindergarten next year. The Pre-K class will help develop academic and social skills in preparation for a successful Kindergarten year. This class meets 4, or 5 mornings each week from 8:30 to 12:00.
These classes are designed for children who are 3 years old or will be 3 by September 30. Most children are experiencing preschool for the first time. Emphasis in this class is primarily on social development though age appropriate academic skills are covered. Interactive play and hands on experiences are important for this age group.
We offer a a Tues/Thurs class, a Mon/Wed/Fri class, and a Tues-Fri class, mornings from 8:30 to 12:00.
Toddler Time
Music & Movement
Three times a month, your child will meet with Bethany Hull to experience learning through music with instruments, rhythms, and songs. They will also work on gross motor skills like throwing, skipping, galloping, jumping, tumbling, and balance. Props like mats, parachutes, hula hoops, cones, tunnels, and bean bags will be used.
Bethany will help us prepare for our Christmas and End of the Year programs.
Our Environment
The goal of Shenandoah Preschool is to provide an inclusive and open environment for preschool children as an outreach to the surrounding communities. We strive to offer a secure and loving atmosphere where each child has the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and cognitively to his/her fullest potential.
Location: 147 S. Main Street, Lexington, Va 24450
Telephone: (540) 463-7195
School Hours: M-F: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Our Goal
What Parents are Saying
“Shenandoah has laid the foundation for both of my children, and has allowed them to be prepared to excel in Kindergarten. The staff/teachers are a true blessing!”
– A. E.
“Shenandoah Preschool was wonderful. My son’s teacher is patient, kind, and truly loves her students.”
– C. C.
“We have loved our years at Shenandoah Preschool. The teachers are caring and professional, the classrooms are warm and creative, and the emphasis is on the child getting to be a child, all the while growing academically, socially, and emotionally.”
“My son absolutely love Shenandoah Preschool and I will always be thankful to the teachers and staff there. . . My son is very active, and I’m sure he is not always easy, but the staff have figured out how to channel that energy in good directions. He feels so loved there and asks all the time if today is a preschool day. I am so thankful for everything they have done for my son and my family.”
– A.G.